Research is out! Over half of Americans are LONELY, with the majority being young adults. Drama therapist and improv instructor, Jill Eickmann is on a quest to heal loneliness one Friendship Show at a time. Through improvisation, clown, and maybe a little truth or dare, we will explore the heart-breaks and and joys of friendship as a theatrical community.
Jill Eickmann
Raleigh, N.C.
The Friendship Show will perform in the 7:15 p.m. block at the HCC Studio Theatre on Saturday, August 10.
Click here to buy festival tickets.
Previous Countdown Improv Festival appearances

Jill Eickmann is Leela’s Improv’s Co-founder and Artistic Director. Established in 2003 in San Francisco, Leela is a holistic improv training center and theatre company. She designed their 7 level curriculum focusing on Leela’s powerful mission of truthful, artistic play. Leela is now offering classes on two coasts; San Francisco and Raleigh. Jill holds an MA in Drama Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies and a BFA in Theatre-Acting from University of Florida. As an improv artist, she has been drawn to physical expression, having studied with notable theatre artists and master clowns, Jet Eveleth, Meredith Monk, Chad Damiani, and Christina Lewis. As a therapeutic performance artist, she regularly performs with playback theatre trainer, Roni Alperin (SF), in their playback theatre duo, as well as playback instructor/film-maker Noa Roth (Raleigh). “The Friendship Show,” a solo, self-revelatory, improvisational theatre show, is Jill’s mission to heal adult loneliness through clown and theatrical improvisation.