Jackie and Lori are determined to help you find closure. Bring your unfinished business or problem to solve and let them “help” you come to terms with your choices in life and show you how it all ends. This isn’t comedy. This is therapy. Terrible therapy.
Lori Bedell, Jackie Gianico
State College, Pa.
Shut the Front Door will perform in the 6:00 p.m. block at the HCC Studio Theatre on Saturday, August 10.
Click here to buy festival tickets.

Lori Bedell and Jackie Gianico have been doing improv together since they met in a level 3 class with Happy Valley Improv in 2018. They formed Shut the Front Door (STFD) in 2021, performing mostly at the Blue Brick Theatre in State College, Pa. since then. STFD have also performed at XL Fest in State College and Penn State’s RAWR Improv Festival, and Lori and Jackie have facilitated workshops as STFD for adult learners.