Three is often an awkward number, people work easier in pairs, watch as 3’s Company share the fun in the awkward.
Michael J. Astrauskas, Geraldine Carolan, Debra Schifrin
San Francisco, Calif.
3’s Company will perform in the 8:40 p.m. block at the 3’s Company Stage on Thursday, August 8.
Click here to buy festival tickets.

3’s Company was formed because Debra, Geraldine, and Michael all saw each other in shows and really wanted to play together. Inspired by awkward situations in the classic sitcom Three’s Company, they ask the audience to share some moments in their lives where they have had awkward moments or miscommunications with their roommates. They have performed at Leela Improv Theatre in San Francisco, Made Up Theatre in Fremont, Calif., and at the Wasatch Improv Festival in Utah. All three members are active members of the Bay Area improv scene and truly believe that improv makes everything in life better! Featuring: Debra Schifrin, Geraldine Carolan, Michael J. Astrauskas.