2zin Tarandon explores clothing, gender, and identity the way kids do–through a game of dress-up. This duo brings deep, sincere relationships to a monoscene full of energy and unadulterated silliness.
Brandon Bowers, Tara O’Nay
St. Louis, Mo.
2zin Tarandon will perform in the 7:00 p.m. block at the HCC Studio Theatre on Thursday, August 8.
Click here to buy festival tickets.

2zin Tarandon is improv duo Brandon Bowers and Tara O’Nay, who explore themes around clothing, self-expression, and identity (especially gender) through mutual, collaborative, real-time imaginative play. Through our work, we seek to counteract messages in the dominant culture that shame and devalue various types of sex, relationships, genders, and bodies. We sometimes do this through presenting these characters in our scenes with respect and normalization, and other times through gentle parody of the cis-het-centric, “traditional values” world we grew up in. We want people who come to our shows to be able to expect something emotionally safe, sincere, honest, sex radical, kind, and full of love, which lifts up the underdog, celebrates our awkward human flaws in relationship, and aims to untangle our learned internal strangleholds a bit toward liberation with each show. Brandon started doing improv in 2019 in Denver, and restarted post-COVID after moving to St. Louis. Tara has been doing alt theatre and performance art always and was part of St. Louis Improv Anywhere 10 years back, but started longform with Brandon in 2022 and they’ve been working together since–on 4 different teams, producing shows, and as all-around improv soulmates.