Trio, duo, or solo act submission
Troupe name
Show type
Solo show
Duo show
Trio show
Contact person name:
Contact person e-mail:
Contact person phone:
Cast list:
Please provide a full list of every cast member who will attend the Countdown Improv Festival — including the contact person — separating each name with a comma.
Cast emails:
Please provide an e-mail address for every cast member who will attend the Countdown Improv Festival — including the contact person — separating each address with a comma.
Troupe bio:
Briefly describe your show:
This description is for internal use in evaluating submissions, and will not be circulated to the public.
Does your show have any special technical requirements?
If so, please list them here.
0 / 1000
Link to a video of the show you're submitting:
Provide a link to a video of a full-length performance — no clips or highlight reels, please — that accurately reflects your current show format and troupe roster. If you don’t have a video, just write “None” in the above field. ***Note: If we already know your work, a video isn’t all that important. If we do *not* already know your work, a video is very important.***
0 / 1000
Please check the dates that your troupe is available to perform:
Wednesday, August 6, 2025
Thursday, August 7, 2025
Friday, August 8, 2025
Saturday, August 9, 2025
Sunday, August 10, 2025
How did you hear about the Countdown Improv Festival?
Is there anything else you'd like to pitch us for this year's festival?
Anything else we should know?
Please confirm that you have read and understood the festival submission guidelines:
Yes, I’ve read and understood the festival submission guidelines.
The guidelines are here: https://countdownimprovfestival.com/submissionguidelines/
Click here to proceed to payment
Please do not fill in this field.