One of the top house teams in St. Louis, Your Crazy Man explores relationship dynamics using emotional points of view, fast-paced games, and a lot of fun energy.
Scott Leeker, Scott Weinberg
St. Louis, Mo.
Your Crazy Man will perform in the 7:15 p.m. block at the HCC Mainstage Theatre on Friday, August 9.
Click here to buy festival tickets.

Since their initial meeting at the Improv Shop over 6 years ago, Your Crazy Man improvisers Scott Leeker and Scott Weinberg have been inseparable improv partners. Over the years, they have performed hundreds of shows together, produced numerous others, performed at the Third Coast Improv Festival in 2023, and the Flyover Comedy Festival in 2021, 2022 and 2023. They were also crowned the 2022 Improv Shop St. Louis Cagematch Champions in front of a voting audience of over 150 people. Your Crazy Man is one of the best teams in St. Louis and pays homage to classical Improv forms like the Harold, Monoscene, The Movie, and Living Room; Consistently switching which form they perform to the mood of the night. One thing is for sure, you’ll always have a great time watching YCM conjure up unique relationship dynamics, fast-paced games, and a lot of fun and energy!You can see them perform regularly during House Team Night at the Improv Shop St. Louis.