Have you ever started reading an article or watching a video online, then you see a link for something interesting so you click on it? Before you know it you’re deep in the click-hole watching a panda sneeze for 37 minutes straight. We take a ride clicking through every link of funny, and hopefully you’ll follow along with us.
Alicia K. Garcia, Dash Maverick, Chris Miranda
Miami, Fla.
The B-Team will perform in the 6:00 PM block on Saturday, August 15.
Watch their show on Twitch: twitch.tv/countdownimprov
Previous Countdown Improv Festival appearances

Troupe bio
The B-Team is a touring group of the much longer-named Society Circus Players (SCP). SCP has been around for over 4 years making the funny happen in Miami. Our mission is to bring the same high-energy, big-laugh, improv style that Miami is known for, but to make it accessible to everyone. If life’s a circus, we’re the clowns.